Recognizing and Neutralizing Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying isn't just bad for the target, it impacts the whole community. Learn how to combat bullying in this important mini course.

Text and Video

Starting date

On Demand


Self-Paced Mini Course



About the course

In this mini course, you'll learn what workplace bullying is (and isn't); the costs to employees, the organization, and the community as a whole; and what to do if you are being bullied or witness bullying. You'll discover ways employees and managers can help prevent bullying, and discover why a systemic approach is needed to stop root bullying at its roots. This course can be customized to include your organization's bullying policy. Ask us about our bullying prevention consulting services.  

Practical approach

Our training is designed to offer skills and knowledge you can put to use right away. Our success is measured by your success.


Our courses use a systems-thinking approach. Rather than helping you put a band-aid on business problems, our courses guide you through identifying and addressing their root causes.

For your career

Understanding bullying prevention is a valuable skill that will help you in any organization you work for.

Course Lessons

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