Get the support you need to meet your tribe's needs
Join our groundbreaking network of like-minded leaders committed to tribal growth!
Your tribe doesn't need to reinvent the wheel
Why learn everything from scratch? Draw on the knowledge and experiences of others in the group to see how they and their tribes have handled issues similar to ones you're dealing with.
#Support | #SkillSharing |#Innovation | #Passion
Let’s make progress together
Learn what you need, when you need it
Instead of having to remember massive amounts of information, you can pick-and-choose bite-sized learning, or engage in full courses with the option to re-watch recorded lectures.
Take advantage of ongoing support
The learning doesn't end when a course or event is over. You have continued access to office hours with experts, and a community of engaged peers to help you follow through.
Solve real-world problems at a local level
You're here because you want to make an impact. Choose the learning resources and engage in the networking that will best help you actually reach your goals.
Learn actively
Participate in interactive discussions, Q&A sessions, and collaborative projects.
Get personalized guidance
Take advantage of monthly office hours and Q&A sessions to receive direct, personalized guidance from experts.
Get more for your tribe's money
Rather than having to pick and choose between courses to travel to or take online, gain access to a wide range of resources and expertise for a single subscription fee.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Our ideal members are:
- Open and curious lifelong learners
- Willing to engage in the active learning and self-reflection necessary to achieve "aha" moments
- Focused on their own personal and professional development while being dedicated to better serving their communities
- Interested in mutual uplift, and willing to share their own skills and knowledge with others (note that even those who don't believe they have skills to share inevitably do)
- Able to be respectful of differing perspectives
- Likely to have a "servant leader" mindset and recognize the value of humility
If that doesn’t sound very much like you, we may not be the right match.
Our ideal members DO NOT:
- Need to have certain educational credentials
- Have to be extroverted or outgoing
- Need to be Native (though you should be working for a tribe or tribal organization)
Fill out our application, and we’ll contact you for a brief interview to discuss what your goals are and how we could best help you meet them.